Traffic - Civil Engineering - Architecture

Our mission is to provide our clients with maximum long-term benefits, both in the field of technical documentation, and in the field of research, development of a database of roads and the establishment of a system of continuous automatic traffic counting.

Completed projects
Year Of Experience

Improvement, innovation and commitment

The company employs more than 30 engineers and designers. We have licenses for the preparation of technical documentation P131S1, P131G2 and P132G1, issued by the ministry competent in construction. These licenses represent a permit for the preparation of technical documentation relating to state roads of I and II category and highways and they include fields of ​​traffic and traffic signage, roads and road facilities (bridges). Also, we have the adequate permits that are necessary for geodetic works and the preparation of adequate technical documentation, which are issued by the Republic Geodetic Authority.

Business Areas

of Finance and
General Affairs



Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Ecology

Department of Investigation works and Laboratory Testing

Department of Construction and Architecture

of Geodesy

Company strategy

The success of the company is realized by a strategy that includes:

  • Fulfillment of deadlines set by clients;
  • Meeting additional requirements of its clients;
  • Application of modern techniques and tools in the work process;
  • Adapting the work of technical systems to the requirements of their clients through the improvement of software solutions;
  • Continuous professional and scientific progress of our experts;
  • Cooperation with leading companies and institutions to meet the requirements of clients in areas for which we can not provide adequate solutions;
  • Engaging higher education institutions and leading experts in certain fields;
  • Professional cooperation with our partners and timely compliance with obligations to them.

In order to get a job, we do not offer cheap solutions that hide a large number of additional costs, because we do not believe in the long-term benefits of such solutions.

Our Projects

We present our projects

  • Traffic safety audit projects;
  • Bicycle traffic counters;
  • Measurement of deflections;
  • Examination of the impact of the road on the occurrence and consequences of a traffic accident;
  • Traffic Safety Verification Projects – TSV;
  • Technical traffic regulation;
  • Fast road Sombor-Kikinda;
  • Tourist signage for marking bicycle routes;
  • Traffic counters.

our clients

In the service of your security since 2008

Company MHM – projekt d.o.o. Novi Sad was founded on May 23th, 2008. The director and owner of the company is Naser Mostafa, graduated traffic engineer.

our location