projects in progress

Investigation of the impact of the road on the occurrence and consequences of a traffic accident

Projects of Independent road impact assessments on the occurrence of traffic accidents with fatalities on state roads.

Independent assessment of the impact of the road on the occurrence of traffic accidents with fatalities is conducted on the basis of Article 91 of the current Law on Roads, which provides for the obligation of public road managers to provide independent assessment of the contribution of public roads to the occurrence or consequences of traffic accidents within 30 days. receipt of a report on a traffic accident by the ministry in charge of internal affairs. The road manager is obliged to form an independent expert team that will go to the scene, look at the circumstances and traces of the accident and propose measures for the prevention of traffic accidents on that part of the road, and make a report on that.

Independent assessments of traffic accidents imply a systematic approach in studying the causes and circumstances that led to the fatal accident, and which are directly or indirectly related to the road. The aim of the analysis is to find the sequence of events that led to the accident, primarily aimed at noticing the shortcomings of the road as a factor in traffic safety. The project should provide a proposal of measures that contribute to the improvement of identified dangerous places, ie sections, where, after implementation, the level of traffic safety on state roads in the Republic of Serbia will be raised.

MHM-project d.o.o. For the needs of state road managers, Public Company “Putevi Srbije”, in the period from 2015, prepared appropriate reports of Independent assessments of the impact of roads on traffic accidents with fatalities at more than 300 locations on state roads in the Republic of Serbia.

The prepared Independent Assessment Reports, among other things, contain an analysis of traffic safety factors consisting of: man-vehicle-road-environment, with special emphasis on the impact of the road and its contribution to the occurrence and consequences of traffic accidents, as well as a detailed proposal of measures to prevent similar types (type) of accidents at the observed location, while the results of the analysis aim to improve the quality of road design in the Republic of Serbia.