projects in progress

Technical traffic regulation projects

Projects of technical regulation of traffic on state roads, within settlements, provide the basis for:

  • installation of adequate traffic signals on sections of state roads in settlement zones;
  • a unique approach to solving traffic problems on each individual, but also the network of state roads;
  • creating conditions for a clear definition of competencies over the envisaged traffic signals on each state road;
  • creating conditions for the formation of a system that will enable the road manager a more efficient way of maintaining traffic signals on state roads and monitoring its changes.

The goal of all measures and activities within projects of this type is, in accordance with the specifics of the road network in settlements and related traffic requirements related to local and transit traffic, to maximize the efficiency of the traffic system, increasing throughput and increasing safety From the aspect of management, the goal is to hand over the maintenance of traffic signals on sections of state roads that pass through settlements to the manager of state roads, ie JP “Putevi Srbije”.

TTR projects on state roads in settlements are the starting point, on which the traffic regime on the secondary road network is upgraded or fitted.